Wedding Rings

Seventeen Years

Labour weekend 2004, Matt and I became a couple. That was 17 years ago – I wasn’t looking for love, but he found me just the same. I was so shy back then, but I instantly felt at ease around him, we would talk for hours about Star Wars.

Life has certainly thrown a lot at us over the years, but our relationship has only gotten stronger. We are best friends, a team, kindred spirits. Two Star Wars fans that meet online, then in person, then spent as many days together as we could, and then became husband and wife.

Currently in lockdown, we can’t go out for a romantic dinner, so we’ve been finding ways to celebrate at home. We’ve been going through photos of our travels and other treasured memories of our life together. There has been hard years and better years, but the tough times have brought our goals more into focus. We love sharing our passion for Star Wars with the world, through photography and websites/blogging. As I type this, we are sitting side by side, working on online content together, and making plans for the future. The last 17 years have been filled with love and adventure, and I can’t wait for what tomorrow will bring with Matt by my side.

Love you always Matt.